How to Promote Your Blog in 2023 – Actionable Tips and Strategic Insight

Updated · Mar 06, 2023

Boy, have I got something for you today!

Buckle up, my friends, cause the next one is a doozie.

If you own one of the 400,000+ blogs on the internet, you have inevitably faced the question of how to promote your blog. After all, what’s the point of creating great content if there is no one out there to appreciate it, right? Reaching out to a targeted audience does not necessarily need to be an arduous task, especially if you have a plan that you follow consistently.

Today, I’m going to help you out with all that and more.

We’re going to start way back, with your blog’s first baby steps. Then, we’ll go over the whole process of creating, distributing, and monitoring content. I’ll jazz things up with some cool tips and up-to-date stats, so you can be sure it’s well worth the read.

Right then, let’s get this show on the road.

I want to clear one common misconception right off the bat — creating quality content might be important, but spreading the word is absolutely crucial. In fact, as prominent marketing consultant Joseph Jaffe states, 90% of the time you should be promoting the content you wrote in the other 10%. Whether you are doing it on your own or using blog promotion services — advertising should be your primary focus.

Think he’s exaggerating? By the time you’re done reading this, I’m sure you’ll see things his way.

1. Preparation Is Key - Choose a Quality Web Host

The first step on the way to your blog’s future fame and glory is finding the perfect home for it. Picking the right hosting provider from the endless pool of options seems like an impossible task for the novice. Well, not if you know what you are looking for or if you know where to look.

Whether your blog is big or small, new or well-established, political or entertaining, there are a few key factors you should keep in mind:

– Speed

– Security

– Support

– Price

Let’s examine these a bit closer.

1.1. Site Speed

Website speed can often be the make-or-break deal for your readers. A mere second more in page load can have devastating effects on your blog — 11% fewer page views and a 7% drop in conversions. I can go on about the significance of your site speed for hours, but we have already covered the subject extensively here.

1.2. Site Security

You should always have two words in mind when looking to accommodate your new blog — cyber attacks. The hacker threat is out there, and you might be at risk even if your site is not making any money. In fact, the latest cybersecurity stats reveal 43% of cyber attacks are aimed at small businesses. By 2022, damages from hackers are expected to reach an astonishing $6 trillion.

To put things simply, a web host with a default security setup just won’t cut it.

The ideal hosting provider understands the specific needs of your website and takes extra precautions to accommodate it. That goes double if we are looking to house a WordPress project. The most popular blogging software is also (unsurprisingly) the most common victim of cyberattacks. So, make sure to pair up a robust server infrastructure with a top-rank security plugin, and you’re good to go.

1.3. Level of Support

Even an experienced blogger might need support assistance at some point. This is where the quality providers excel and can prove to be indispensable. After all, what would you prefer — fast and comprehensive assistance or templated answers with links to tutorials?

I don’t know about you, but I’d take the former any day of the week.

1.4. Price

The perfect web host shouldn’t necessarily cost you an arm and a leg. On the contrary, some of the best-ranked hosts have found ways to optimize their operations for the benefit of the end-user.

As your website grows, you will require a more powerful solution. So, make sure your new provider is up to the challenge. Best to have the option to upgrade instead of having to switch hosts every time your blog outgrows its hosting account.

Now that you have found its cozy home, it’s time to learn how to get visitors to your blog.

If you are still wondering which host to pick, here are some helpful reviews of SiteGround, DreamHost, and A2 as often-mentioned top choices.

2. Build a Content Strategy Plan

Before you start adding any content, you’ve got to have a clear idea of what you’re doing. What is your niche and target audience? What topics would they find engaging? What kind of things are they googling?

Understanding who your readers are and what they find valuable is one of the key content promotion tactics and the first step toward building a successful blog.

2.1. Choose Communication Channels

I have always been an advocate of spreading content across multiple marketing channels — Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, forums, directories – you know, the works. After all, why limit yourself when you have so many options to attract visitors, right?

The fact of the matter is that, as beneficial as this strategy is, startups and smaller businesses often lack the time and resources to do it right. There is no point in maintaining multiple channels if they are not going to serve a larger purpose. Perfecting each platform takes time and practice, so your best bet is to start with a couple and add more as your website grows.

2.2. Research Best Posting Times

It would be pointless to go on about how different each social media platform is.

You already know that.

I am sure you don’t use Twitter the same way you use Facebook, or LinkedIn the same way you use Pinterest. They are just inherently different. So, before you start utilizing them as part of your blog promotion strategy, make sure to check the best times to share content in each one.

Facebook posts get more engagement at the end of the week (Thursday-Sunday). Best times to post: around noon to 4 pm.

Twitter activity spreads across the whole week. Best times to post: noon until 5 pm or 8 am-10 am on weekdays.

Instagram users are most active in the evenings. Best times to post: 5 pm to 8 pm or 9-10 am.

LinkedIn is a network for professionals, so it makes sense it’s mostly busy on weekdays. Best times to post: 10 am-11 am or 5 pm-6 pm.

Pinterest works the other way around, and you can expect users to be more active on weekends. Best times to post: 8 pm-11 pm or 2 am-4 am.

Keep in mind there is no universal formula for sharing content. Numbers vary from niche to niche, so try and tinker with the times in each network until you find what works for your blog.

2.3. Research Frequency of Posts

Same as with the posting times, you will not find a rule set in stone about how often to produce and share content. If you work for a media outlet, it makes sense to post a few times a day to keep your readers updated with relevant information. But if your business is in the hardware industry, for example, even a single daily post might be considered spammy.

Your rule of thumb should be:

Quality is more important than quantity.

Time to lay the foundations of your website — the content. Because there is no telling how to promote your blog if there is nothing valuable to see.

3. The Science of Content Creation

The numbers don’t lie — according to a 2018 Content Marketing Institute research, 78% of B2B and 72% of B2C businesses point out high-quality content creation as a major factor for their success. So, how do we measure “high-quality?” Here are a few hints.

3.1. Content Curation

Simply put, content curation is the process of data research and planning that you need to do before you can start writing. Once you start exploring a specific topic, chances are you will come across an overwhelming amount of information. Sorting through it and separating the wheat from the chaff is the real skill here.

3.2. Write for Readers

Further down the line, I will let you in on the best practices to appeal to search engines. But first, let’s learn how to appeal to the readers, as they are the key source of your traffic and success. Ultimately, all the promotion in the world won’t mean a thing if your readers don’t find what you have to say interesting.

Only post when you have something to say, not just for the sake of posting.

3.3. Add Value

Finding information about a topic, rehashing it, and posting the same content as your own is something even a trained monkey can do. Your readers will quickly catch up with the gimmick and lose interest.

Instead, use the collected data as a base point and start building your way up — enrich the information, add your own opinions, contact someone closely involved to share their view. In short, adding value gives you a perfect boost when you advertise your blog.

3.4. Polish

Once you are ready with your post, don’t be in a hurry to share it around. Take your time to re-read it a few times and have someone else take a look. An extra pair of eyes will help you polish your style and present the information the best way possible.

3.5. Focus on the Title

The headline of your post is essential for attracting both readers and search engine robots. Most people only read the first 2-3 words from a title before they decide if it is worth to stick around and see more. You need to demand their attention from the get-go.

The Moz team has some interesting facts about the best performing headlines:

  • Numbered lists — 36%
  • Reader-addressing titles — 21%
  • How-to’s — 17%
  • Normal headlines — 15%
  • Questions — 11%

Your best bet is to compile a list of 10 or more headlines and experiment with a few of them. Perform some A/B testing and let your readers decide which works best.

3.6. Appeal to Emotion

We are emotional beings, so feelings often affect our actions. If you find a way to engage your readers emotionally, you are already on the path to success.

I can suggest CoSchedule’s Headline Analyzer as a very nifty tool, which has already processed millions of post titles. It can come up with great ways to write compelling headlines that help you to promote your blog to increase traffic.

3.7. Tweetable Quotes

There are various click-to-tweet widgets out there that you can easily use to increase your influence on Twitter. How do they work? You only need a short, intriguing fact like this one:

Did you know: 96% of bloggers promote their content on social media, but only 30% report getting strong results.

And voila — one click, and the quote is ready to appear on Twitter.

3.8. Infographics

A key phrase to remember here — visual storytelling. We are all suckers for some pretty visuals, so make sure your images pair up nicely with the text. It’s 2022, and slapping a couple of free stock photos won’t do the trick anymore.

The numbers couldn’t be any clearer — blog posts with images accumulate 94% more page views than the ones without rich media.

Infographics present a fantastic opportunity to pair up interesting data with stunning visuals. This attention-grabbing method has proven so successful that it ranks as the third most popular content type, right after images and video.

3.9. Call-to-action

At the end of the day, you expect your content to bring you quantitative results. That’s all well and good, but you need to know exactly what you’re looking for. Do you want users to comment more on the topic? Are you looking for email subscriptions or maybe a re-share within an untapped community?

Be honest. Let the readers know what you expect from them, and if your content can match your ambitions — they will gladly comply.

Now that your post has been refined to appeal to your audience, let’s polish it further to attract the search engine robots as well.

4. Search Engine Optimization

Your visuals might wow visitors from the get-go, but web crawlers don’t really care about the pretty pictures. In fact, they only see the images and formatted text as a string of code and try to determine what’s inside.

There are over 200 Google ranking factors, but you don’t need to know them all. Just follow some simple guidelines, and you will soon learn how to promote your blog for free effortlessly.

4.1. Keywords

The meticulous keyword research starts way before you write your first words. You can check out what’s popular in your niche from tools like Google Trends or Ahrefs and compile a list of useful phrases to scatter across your post. Don’t overdo it, though, as you risk your content looking spammy and forced.

Focusing on a single word is too broad, so try and come up with long-tail keywords and phrases that naturally relate to the topic in question. Make sure to include your main keyword in your headline and first 100 words, as well as a few more times throughout the rest of the text.

4.2. LSI keywords

LSI, or latent semantic indexing, means utilizing synonyms instead of repeating your keyword phrases over and over again. For example, if you want to target “how to promote your WordPress blog”, you can safely use something like “how to advertise your WordPress site.” The web crawlers will still be able to get the point.

Google is smart like that.

4.3. Metadata

Instead of going through your whole content, search engine robots only focus on the essentials.

  • your web address (URL)
  • your headline
  • the beginning of your text

Your main keyword must be present in all of them. You should spread it across the whole text naturally, but those three parts are an absolute must.

The good thing is, if you are using WordPress for your blog, you already have tons of solutions in the form of SEO plugins. I can recommend Yoast as an easy and comprehensive option to optimize your content if you don’t have any coding skills.

Inbound links indicate how well-liked your content really is. When other websites (especially more credible ones) link to you as a source, they see value in what you have to offer. Search engines also appreciate that and rank your site higher in return.

While you have little influence over who links to you, the ball is entirely in your court when it comes to outbound links. Still, you should tread carefully when redirecting your readers toward third-party content. While you cannot go wrong with linking to popular and credible websites, low-quality pages can have a devastating effect on your SEO efforts.

4.5. Interlinking

Just as external redirects show Google the value of your website among others, internal links help the search engines rank your pages compared to one another. When publishing new content, always consider which of your other articles can complement the current post.

Redirect to your best converting posts to generate fresh traffic and get the word going again.

4.6. Optimizing images

Remember I already mentioned how crucial visuals are for your website’s popularity? That was only scratching the surface.

Images are paramount to your success.

Beauty comes at a price, though — the better your images are, the more resources they will hog. So make sure to have a comprehensive optimization strategy in place. Essential things to consider are:

  • Image size — easily compress and reduce the file size of your photos with a tool like TinyPNG or Smush.IT. Smaller photos = faster load times.
  • Caching — instead of your images sending a server request every time someone pulls up your page, you can save a cached copy in your browser to further improve website speed. WP Rocket can lend a hand with that.
  • CDN — serving images from a content delivery network (CDN) will ensure the loading of your resources from a server closest to the visitor’s location. Check with your host, as they can often suggest suitable solutions.
  • Alt text — meta title and description help the web crawlers read your wording in the same way alt text allows them to “read” your images. So, make sure to put relevant (and keyworded) info there.

Those are just to name a few. You can check out an extended checklist from Online Media Masters.

Now that we’re done writing and optimizing, it’s time for the sweet stuff. I’ll let you in on some actionable tips on how and where to promote your blog.

5. How to Promote Your Blog

5.1. Email Marketing

Many experts believe email marketing is long past its glory days, but numbers strongly suggest otherwise. In 2014, about 37% of bloggers relied on emails as a way to reach their peers, according to Orbit Media. By 2018, that number had skyrocketed to 61%. Sure doesn’t sound like a setting industry to me.

The best thing is that you don’t need to spend a significant amount of time sorting through your contacts. There are numerous email automation services that do most of the work for you — MailChimp and OptinMonster to name a couple.

5.2. Guest Blogging

Creating fresh and captivating content does not necessarily have to happen on your website alone. It’s a good idea to occasionally share your opinions on a topic with a guest post on other cool blogs in the niche.

But why would I put all the effort into creating quality content and then let someone else take the credit, you may ask.

That’s the thing — they are not getting all the credit.

You can link to your blog in your author bio or naturally do it throughout the text. So, if your post brings enough value to the table, you’ll be sure to increase your readership.

6. Social Media Traffic

Social media is one of your best friends when it comes to content promotion tactics. A whopping 96% of bloggers employ that strategy, and I’m sure you are well aware of its value as well. So, let’s consider the top reasons why blog owners choose to share their content on social networks in the first place:

  • 94% want to share things they find valuable or entertaining.
  • 78% look to grow or maintain relationships with specific audiences.
  • 69% want to be more involved with what goes on in the world.
  • 68% employ social media to establish/reinforce an image of themselves or their business.
  • 49% spread awareness about social causes and favored brands.

So many different reasons to be on social media and all the platforms duly deliver.

Unsurprisingly, each network comes with its own quirks, so let’s analyze them one by one.

6.1. Facebook

Your Facebook posts should be short, clear, and entertaining. Researchers have found that posts of less than 100 characters that contain emotional visuals tend to perform best.

Only 100 characters! Compared to that, Twitter posts look like short novels.

No need to panic, though — this character limit is not a formal rule, merely a helpful guideline to consider. At the end of the day, what you say is more important than how you say it. So if you think your content brings value to the table — by all means, go for it.

Facebook hashtags are now a thing as well, and you can use them just as you might do on Twitter or Instagram. Research trending hashtags, pick a few based on relevance and popularity and include them in your post.

Simple as 1-2-3.

6.2. Twitter

You can safely go gung-ho with your Twitter account. Tweets tend to stick for a much shorter time, so posting often is not considered spammy. Research reveals you can tweet as many as 15 times a day, and it won’t hurt you so long as the content is engaging enough.

Remember how I suggested keeping a list of at least ten different titles earlier? You can now perform some useful A/B testing with them and let your audience determine which headline they like best.

Hashtags can add an extra oomph to your Facebook posts, but they’re absolutely essential to your success on Twitter. Explore your niche, check out the trends, and start utilizing hashtags in every tweet.

Twitter cards are another possible solution to the question of how to use Twitter to promote your blog. They let you buff your tweets with rich media, videos, and downloadable links. Gone are the days of cryptic short messages that mostly looked like a complicated string of code.

Twitter cards are here to stay.

6.3. Instagram

Instagram is all about attractive visuals, and it’s even more popular with youngsters than Facebook.

It has over 1 billion users, who have shared 50 billion photos. to date. What’s more, over 25 million businesses have Instagram accounts.

Let these numbers sink in for a moment.

This social network normally prohibits you from directly sharing your links, but we feel a little rebellious today, don’t we?

So choose a stunning photo and let your followers know they can find the relevant link in the post comments. This way, you are getting the message out without breaking any rules.

Many guides on how to promote your blog on Instagram note the importance of your author’s bio and proper use of hashtags. Take your time to research what is popular at the moment and what resonates best with your brand image.

Avoid blatantly advertising and pushing for a sale. Instead, look to be inspirational and perfect the art of visual storytelling.

6.4. LinkedIn

A staggering 97% of B2B businesses are on Linkedin, and if they are among your target audience — so should you.

LinkedIn might not enjoy as many users or generate as much traffic as Facebook and Instagram. But, in terms of delivering content and securing audience engagement, it’s untouchable at the #1 spot.

Linkedin is all about showcasing your skills and building a professional network. Unlike other platforms where the focus is on who you know, here it’s more about how many people you know. The average CEO on LinkedIn has over 920 connections.

Posts on LinkedIn don’t have to be short as long as they’re to-the-point. Industry professionals expect meaningful information, so you better hold off on those funny cat photos that are all the rage on Facebook.

6.5. Pinterest

Here we have another visually-inspired social media network, which lets your imagination run wild. Photos, collages, infographics — feel free to go all in and even repeat a few times a day.

Don’t go overboard with hashtags, though. While Pinterest allows them, the platform frowns upon their overuse. Keep them to a maximum of two or three in a single post and focus more on your image description.

Pinterest is a hidden gem when it comes to mobile phone usage. The network ranks #1 when it comes to mobile promotion, accounting for 64% of smartphone and tablet referral traffic.

So, if you ask me how to promote your blog on Pinterest, my answer would be:

You gotta Pin it to Win it!

7. Blogger Outreach

Let’s make one thing crystal clear. You can produce the most amazing content, but without the proper connections, you will never be able to deliver it far outside your contact list. More often than not, your competition can be a trusted adversary who helps spread the word of your blog…for a price, of course ????

7.1. In the Niche

Imagine you are at a boring party, and you suddenly overhear a conversation about the latest Game of Thrones episode. By the Old Gods and the New, is it possible there are other GoT junkies at this party? Naturally, you join in the fun, and soon everyone is telling juicy conspiracy theories and stories about their favorite characters…

If it works so well in the real world, why can’t it be just as fruitful in an online environment?

That’s the thing — it can!

Reaching out to like-minded individuals with a proposition for cooperation can do wonders if both parties carry their weight. Be personal with your approach instead of spamming every blogger out there with a templated message. If you have anything valuable to offer — you’ll be sure to get some positive replies.

A classic case of “you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours.”

7.2. Influencers

Approaching fellow bloggers is rather simple, but influencers play in the big league. You have to pamper them like celebrities because…well…they kind of are. An interview or even a shoutout from an influencer can bring a ton of traffic to your doorstep in a matter of minutes.

One great way to start a relationship with an industry expert is to mention them in your posts and let them know you value their opinions on the matter. Everyone loves an honest compliment. After all, contrary to popular belief, influencers are people, too; they breathe the same air and act on the same emotions as the rest of us.

I am not saying it’s easy to catch the “big fish,” but the bounty is well worth it — 87% of site owners who employ such strategy are reporting outstanding results.

7.3. Cross-promotion

Cross-promotion is another form of relationship marketing. What this means is reaching out to another person/team and combining your resources to assemble one remarkable piece of content.

They say two heads think better than one – imagine that multiplied and amplified.

It’s a win-win situation for both parties, as they get to be introduced to a new audience and expand their pool of loyal fans.

All you need is a great idea for unique content and the right connections to help you in this quest.

7.4. Roundups

Roundups are like blogger outreach on steroids. Instead of joining forces with just a couple of fellow bloggers, you gather a whole team of experts to share their opinions on a certain topic. You know, just like one of those “72 Industry Gurus Share Their Opinions on Watching Paint Dry” types of articles that are so hip right now.

I have had the pleasure of participating in a few roundups and I can honestly tell you it’s nothing short of amazing. Not only was it fun to hear so many different points of view, but I managed to meet some of the guys afterward, and we still collaborate occasionally to this day.

So we can all agree that staying in touch with the competition can be a good thing — time to expand your outreach and carve your name deep in everyone’s minds.

8. Build a Community

Establishing a relationship with your community takes time, so don’t rush it. Just like Rome, authority is not built in a day, so focus on presenting yourself in the best light possible. Be helpful and friendly, and show people you know your stuff.

8.1. Aggregate Sites

Aggregate websites, as their name suggests, amass information about a particular topic and offer readers a chance to explore a subject on a deeper level.

You may have heard of aggregates like Digg or Growth Hackers, but the one that deserves the most fame and glory is undoubtedly Reddit. The legendary front page of the internet has it all, so why not showcase your skills where everyone can see them?

You might be wondering how to use Reddit to promote your blog. The users have a firm stance against blatant self-promotion, so if you are just there to drop your name and link — you better rethink your strategy.

8.2. Answering Questions

People will always appreciate you sharing valuable knowledge. At least that’s what I firmly believe. Still, there is a common misconception among certain professionals that sharing your hard-earned know-how for free will somehow devalue your skills.

This couldn’t be further from the truth.

The more people learn about your craft, the more they will appreciate your opinions and skills. So when you answer questions, provide solutions, and show people you know your stuff, you are acting as a billboard commercial for your brand.

Back in the days, we had Yahoo Answers for that, now we have Quora, and who knows what else is there in your niche…

8.3. Social Bookmarking Sites

Big aggregate sites employ a “tag” system, which allows users to sort their content in distinct categories. Other fans of the topic can then easily discover your post/image/video and upvote it, so it gains more exposure.

Once you reach the top pages, you can expect plenty of traffic flowing in.

The good gets better when you include niche-specific bookmarking sites. Here are a few I can recommend:

Whatever the niche, surely you know where most of your peeps hang out (as you’re probably there yourself). See what gets people’s attention and refine your content promotion tactics accordingly.

8.4. Forums and Groups

Niche-specific forums and groups offer another way to introduce yourself and your content out there. While traditional forums are gradually declining in popularity, places like Facebook and Linkedin groups are booming with active users.

Unless the rules of the community don’t strictly encourage it, don’t just exploit the platform to share your links. Instead, treat the people there with the same passion and dedication that you would an important client. After all, you never know when one is watching.

Now that we have covered multiple free blog promotion tactics, let’s focus on your paid options. Investing a bit in your content distribution can really amplify your results. This is how you do it:

9. Paid Advertising

Yes, you can promote your content without spending a dime.

Yes, you can establish authority and climb the ranks with a steady and consistent strategy.

Yes, you can…

But why not cut some corners and speed up your trip to success? The right tools are there for the taking.

9.1. PPC

Pay-per-click advertising (or PPC for short) employs paid ads that appear at the top of user searches. Focus on the right keywords, play around with your bid price, and your content could bring you tons of traffic in no time.

Blogging growth statistics reveal 322% more blog owners were paying to promote their content in 2018 compared to four years earlier. No typo there — the number reads three hundred twenty-two percent.

While SEO and other free tactics may be on the rise, PPC is definitely not on the decline.

9.2. Google Ads

The biggest search engine naturally harvests the most views. So opting-in for Google Ads is a no-brainer if you are wondering how to promote your blog.

Usually, your content takes its time to garner traffic and rank higher. But if you pay for an ad in Google, this process is instantaneous. The benefits are obvious.

Still, I would highly recommend actively monitoring your paid campaigns, as ineffective ads can quickly drain your whole marketing budget.

Here are some actionable tips on Google Ads from a proven expert—marketing superstar Neil Patel.

9.3. Remarketing

Remarketing tactics target people who have already visited your website in the past. Who knows if they left because they didn’t have time to check the content properly or because the content didn’t serve their immediate purpose?

This method works like a charm, and businesses report 84% of their past audiences coming back after a remarketing campaign.

One thing needs to be clear — just because you have a plethora of options for your blog promotion, doesn’t mean you should embrace them all at once. Pick a couple of platforms to get you going and add more when you feel confident enough.

Success can take many shapes or forms, but at the end of the day, cold, hard numbers are the best judge.

10. Analytic Tools & Approaches

10.1. Google Analytics

Google Analytics contains tons of information about your website — How many readers do you have? Where are they based? Which content do they like best? If you are curious enough, you can spend countless hours going over the various reports. For now, I will outline a few key stats for you to consider:

  • Real-time reports — a graph of your current site traffic and profiles of your visitors.
  • Audience reports — divide your readers into groups and analyze them to gain insight into their preferences.
  • Geo and Demographics report — a summary of your overall user base, who they are, and what their interests are.
  • Traffic Source stats — determine which communication channel is performing best — organic, paid, social, or referral.
  • E-commerce reports — all about your products, sales, and billing information.

Think of Google Analytics as Deep Thought from The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, but with many more answers than just “42.”

10.2. Facebook Pixel

So you can track the activity on your website, but what about the social networks?

The fact that Facebook Pixel stores cookies of your FB audience allow you to target them with some sweet remarketing campaigns. Additionally, you can divide your audiences into categories and apply specific promotion tactics to each group.

Pixel installation is a bit complicated at first glance, but you can take this AdEspresso guide as a trusted assistant.

Simply put, any successful strategy on how to promote your blog on Facebook inevitably includes an FB Pixel.

10.3. Social media monitoring

Analyzing Facebook traffic is one thing, but you often need to keep an eye on multiple platforms. This is where social media monitoring tools come in handy. They collect the information across various social channels and keep track of useful metrics like:

  • brand mentions
  • hashtags
  • competitor performance
  • general trends

There are a bunch of all-encompassing tools like HootSuite and BuzzSumo, so make sure to check them out if you think you can benefit from social media monitoring.

So what have we learned so far on the topic of how to publicize your blog? We have made our preparations, refined our content, advertised it thoroughly, and examined the results.

Good to go? Not quite.

You shouldn’t treat content promotion as something you do once and move on. Persistence is imperative here.

11. Content Marketing Ideas

11.1. Content syndication

Content syndication outlines the careful process of promoting your content at the right place, at the right time. You can start with your followers, email subscribers, and fans across social media networks. Then it’s time to boost your exposure with content syndication platforms like Medium or SlideShare.

This will allow users to take your content and republish it on their websites.

11.2. Reach email subscribers again

There is no guarantee your emails will always reach their intended destination, land in the right mailbox, or catch the recipient at the right time. So don’t be afraid to try and reach out again to your subscribers with the same content (after a while, of course).

Consider this: More than 50% of your recipients won’t get your initial email. But retarget them again in a week, and open rates can easily increase by up to 30%.

11.3. Update content

As great as your content might be, you have to keep it relevant. Revisit your old posts, especially the better-performing ones, and make sure the information is up to date. Here are some practical tips on what you can do to freshen them up:

  • include new info
  • double-check your keyword targeting
  • examine and add new links
  • enrich the content with some images, video, or infographic

Those are just to name a few.

Be sure to also check the competition — what do they have to say on the topic? Is there something you’re missing? Is there any way to make your post stand out more?

Take the time to revisit those old traffic magnets and give them a makeover to keep up with the latest trends. It will be well worth it.

11.4. Republish quality content

Just like the pine trees, evergreen content is solid, sustainable, and lasts for a loooooong time. The information inside remains relevant, and the post gets some sweet, steady traffic.

Evergreen content is not about the numbers and current trends; it thrives on facts alone. How-to tutorials, tips and tricks articles, product reviews, timeless videos — those are all great ideas for producing content that will remain relevant for a long time

Evergreen content is like your Lost Ark, your Temple of Doom, your Kingdom of the Crystal Skull — it holds the key for the ultimate prize!

Simply make a note and remind the audience about your awesome post every once in a while.

It can only work to your advantage.

The Strategy of Promoting Your Blog

Whew, that was really something, wasn’t it? If you are still with me, you must have nerves of steel and some patience!. One thing is for sure — by now, you should have a clear idea of how to promote your blog to appeal to a wide range of people.

Let’s retrace our steps:

  • We found a suitable web host.
  • We devised a long-term plan.
  • We tinkered with the SEO.
  • We learned how to produce eye-catching content.
  • We discovered some valuable sources for promotion.
  • We made a note to refresh and republish our best performers.

Following my own advice, I intend to keep an eye on this article and update it frequently, so feel free to share your opinions or suggest useful information I can add.

What is better — SEO or PPC?
This is like answering the question “cake or ice cream” – why not both? SEO is a slower, more sustainable tactic, and for the most part — absolutely free. Search engine optimization won’t perform miracles overnight, but if done right — it will solidify your high rankings in the long term. PPC brings instant results if you are prepared to pay for them. It is a convenient strategy if you are looking to spread the word about a running promo or boost a top piece of content. As you can see, the two tactics pursue different goals, so you can safely combine them to improve your online visibility.
How do I approach influencers?
Reaching out to the celebrities in your niche should be a delicate and ongoing process. Build a genuine relationship with the influencer, help them grow their audience, and sell their products. Let them know how inspiring they are, but don’t overdo it or you risk looking like a stalker. Then and only then you can ask them to do you a favor and help promote your own blog.
What is the best way to build my blog?
First you need to determine what kind of setup you prefer. Do you want something simple and easy to start with but less susceptible to modifications, or something more advanced with endless optimization capabilities? If you go for a quick approach, the best platforms to choose are, WiX, and Blogger. If you don’t mind the wait and want to refine every tiny little detail, the self-hosted software at is your best bet. Should you opt-in for the latter, I’ve got a nice surprise for you in the form of an extensive tutorial compilation.
I am a designer — what social networks should I choose to showcase my work?
If you are in the design business, the question of how to promote your blog can find many answers. Sure, there are obvious solutions like Instagram and Pinterest, but what else? Get your portfolio ready and make sure to check out places like Behance, DeviantArt, Tumblr, and Flickr. Those alternative platforms are densely-populated with other professionals and potential clients, so you can’t go wrong by giving them a go.
Nick Galov
Nick Galov

Unaware that life beyond the internet exists, Nick is poking servers and control panels, playing with WordPress add-ons, and helping people get the hosting that suits them.